Wednesday, February 22, 2012

#88: One last squeeze of toothpaste

How many times has this happened to you? Waking up for a 8:30 lecture at 8:20, only to realize that you're out of toothpaste. Something like this:

What do you do? Yes, you know that you should've gone to the supermarket earlier (Note to self: need new shopping list), but no time to ponder about that now. Well, I say...

You'll find many ways doing this on the internet, but my personal favorite is the grand old adage..."Squeeze from the bottom and flatten as you go up". That's right, just use the handle of your toothbrush to flatten the tube and collect all the toothpaste near the top. Now, squeeze hard enough and thanks to the thixotropic nature of toothpaste (ICTians will get this), get that little bit of toothpaste onto the brush and be on your way to pearly white teeth and avoid being thrown out of the class by the over-punctual profs (ICTians you know who I'm talking about). Go ahead, you're now ready to...

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