Monday, February 28, 2011

The Dentist

This is a poem I wrote way back in 7th standard...was running out of time to submit an assignment and came up with this gem in just 10-15 minutes in the middle of a class. Its based on a true experience and I hope u enjoy it. To all my dentist friends who are reading this, no offence meant yaar, but here it goes:

There is a creature called a dentist,
I must say, the greatest sadist.

Looking hideous in gloves and mask,
doesn't care to answer what you ask.

Sit on his chair and open your mouth,
and there's no worse place from north to south.

Probing your mouth with a tiny mirror,
your head is full of movies of horror.

Come what might, he takes a drill,
the moment gives him the ultimate thrill.

He says, "All your cavities I have to fill",
and acts as a soldier ready to kill.

During the surgery he takes a recess,
and leaves your mouth - a bloody mess.

Then the assistant, who's rather stout,
tells you to spit the whole thing out.

Just when you think the nightmare is over,
comes back, the reckless rover.

Wroom, Wroom, Wroooom,
Crash, Bang and Boom.

Finished, is his terrible job,
you cannot help but let out a sob.

At that point, he hands the bait,
Oh look, its a bar of chocolate.

Why wait till tomorrow,
today was the ultimate sorrow.

OH!! And by the way,
start new cavities today.


  1. hehehehe....kya mast hai... :D

  2. hahahahhaha...its hilarious!! No wonder you dread dentists so much!! :D
