Thursday, June 23, 2011

#90: 1000th blog view

I know the first 10-12 people reading this will probably say "What a lie!! Those are not a 1000 hits you cheat!!" But hey, I have to admit, it was getting pretty exciting waiting for the number to turn up and then I thought of speeding things up a bit. Alebit, a bit unethically.

For the others, well all I have to say is that whether you write or have friends who do, this is surely a "Top 100 moment" in life. This is the one milestone (and hopefully 1st of many more 10K, 100K....) that really shows that people do appreciate your effort and actually took the effort of visiting (and hopefully actually reading) this blog.

Thank you dear readers for helping me get here and please be back here for more.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

#91: Peek-a-boo! I see you

          Now, I know this may seem a little girly coming from a guy, but what the hell! This is one of my most fond memories of playing with my baby nephews and nieces.
          You see, the most awesome thing about this age-old favorite game is its versatility. There's no one fixed way to play and usually everyone can develop their own favorite technique. Also, you don't need to be a millionaire to buy fancy toys or expensive gadgets. And like me, you don't need to be really great fun or great with kids either. Mom-tested-and-certified across the globe as being fail-proof, it also avoids you the embarrassment of being the one who can't even get a kid to laugh.

          The formula too is fairly simple:

Ingredients: 1 large piece of cloth and 1 grumpy baby

Process: Hide yourself from the baby with the cloth, utter your favorite magical "re-appearance" phrase and drop the cloth for one of the cutest "Top 100 Moments"of your life.

This post is dedicated to my youngest niece..Kanika. Congrats Vipul bhaiya and Priya bhabi

P.S. Just found out that this works on some adults too via Skype....even more awseome

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#92: "You were thinking of that too, were'nt you?...;)"

         The reason this instant makes it to the list of "Top 100 Moments" is due to its sheer improbability coupled with its spontaneity and the uncontrollable excitement when it does occur. It strikes when you least expect (and usually around the most unexpected of people); in the midst of some random conversation, some intellectual/scientific discussion or just plain lazing around with buddies.

           Remember that awkward pause ("Hey wait a minute..."), the exchange of curious stares ("are you thinking?....), bursting into a smile ( what im thinking?....") and the awesome high-fives that follow ("Hell yes you were!!").

 Also, here's the creme de la creme of all  "You-Were-Thinking-Of-That-Too,-Were'nt-You?" moments definitely is "Telepathic Friends". You see, this is a very rare and elite group of friends who happen to know you inside out. For whom your life is an open book. No need for need for over-the-top emotions, just a look at each others faces, a wide grin and you continue as though nothing happened, but silently content at this legen-wait for it-dary "Telepathic Conversation".

P.S. : Remember Ted and Barney's telepathic conversation from How I Met Your Mother??

Thursday, June 9, 2011

#93: "Chai aur Biscut"

Before starting, I want you to pause for a second and think of your favorite "Tea + Biscuits" moment. Also, I bet that if all readers post their favorite "Chai-Time" memories in the comments below, we can have a unique list of "Top 100 Chai n Biscuit Moments" altogether. Lemme begin by sharing a few of mine:

1. At a roadside stall, drenched in rain:

As is the case with Mumbai rains every year, this particular year too, I ended up without an umbrella on the day of the 1st downpour.
Looking for shelter, I landed up at a roadside tea stall. Drenched in the rain, shivering in the cold, ruined phone and with Rs 15 in my pocket, this sure doesnt feel like a "Top 100 Moment" does it?

Quite the contrary, this turned out to be the ultimate refuge from the deluge. Coz you see, at this little haven, the rates of little treats read:

1 "Full Masala-Chai" : Rs 6
1 "Chhota" Parle-G : Rs 4
Dunking biscuits in a steaming cup of tea during rains: Priceless!

Speaking of dunking biscuits, remember "The 1 that fell in the cup"? We all hate it, but with patience, it can turn out to be one of the "Top 100 Moments" indeed. Surprised? Well here's how:

2. Avenging "The 1 that fell in the cup":

It isn't rocket science really. The trick is to not tilt your cup too much and manage to (somehow) finish your tea. Now, thats easier said than done, but with luck (or enough practice) you'll finish the tea only to find that little piece sitting there at the bottom, soaked but almost intact. Well what are you waiting for?

Grab that cup, look to the skies and tilt it towards you waiting mouth. Close your eyes as that little piece slides in slowly for an amazingly sweet and squishy end to a truly awesome beverage.                                                                                                                  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

#94: PAIN!!

Agreed, that in keeping with the theme of this blog, at first sight "PAIN" being one of the "Top 100 Moments" looks counter-intuitive. The fact however is, pain is not always a bad thing. You see, the way mother nature has designed it, pain is not only necessary, but also GOOD for you.

Just to be clear (for all those of you who post long depressing posts on Facebook and expect people to read and "like" them) I'm talking about the REAL physical pain here and not the emotional type (I really don't give a damn about your heartbreak, just keep it off my "wall" please). Anyways, I digress.

You see, pain is really your body playing good cop and saying "Hold on there buddy, looks like something's wrong here. Better go to the doc and get it checked out." For no matter how much we curse it, pain is still the body's first line of defense.

Pain reminds us of preventing further harm to ourselves. (For example, would you have gone to the doctor and got your troublesome knee checked, only to discover a sprain there, if not for the excruciating pain?) What a wonderful phenomenon of nature indeed!

So remember, the next time you feel those weird niggles anywhere in your body, you know its your body's call to you to take good care of it, coz unlike machines, you only get 1 of it for your entire life.