Tuesday, June 21, 2011

#91: Peek-a-boo! I see you

          Now, I know this may seem a little girly coming from a guy, but what the hell! This is one of my most fond memories of playing with my baby nephews and nieces.
          You see, the most awesome thing about this age-old favorite game is its versatility. There's no one fixed way to play and usually everyone can develop their own favorite technique. Also, you don't need to be a millionaire to buy fancy toys or expensive gadgets. And like me, you don't need to be really great fun or great with kids either. Mom-tested-and-certified across the globe as being fail-proof, it also avoids you the embarrassment of being the one who can't even get a kid to laugh.

          The formula too is fairly simple:

Ingredients: 1 large piece of cloth and 1 grumpy baby

Process: Hide yourself from the baby with the cloth, utter your favorite magical "re-appearance" phrase and drop the cloth for one of the cutest "Top 100 Moments"of your life.

This post is dedicated to my youngest niece..Kanika. Congrats Vipul bhaiya and Priya bhabi

P.S. Just found out that this works on some adults too via Skype....even more awseome

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