Monday, May 30, 2011

#95: The 1 pefect dish at an (otherwise) crappy buffet

If gluttony is your passion as is mine, you know what I'm talking about here. With a buffet dinner planned for the evening, you starve your way through the "4-pm-hunger" (and lunch too if you are me). The meal costs a bomb, but you willingly pay through your nose for a few moments of "I'm-gonna-hog-every-penny's-worth-of-food" indulgence.

But alas, the party-pooper. How often is it that the spread well and truly sucks? (Well it may not necessarily be bad, just that it's a rip-off if you could've had all that stuff at home too). Everywhere you look, just the plain old regular stuff, nothing new or as my sis puts it "exciting" enough to tantallise your taste buds.

As you turn your back and head back to your table disappointed, you spot it!! Yes, sitting surreptitiously at the far end of the table, that 1 dish, looking exquisitely delicious, the 1 dish it appears nobody can get enough of. Be it the pasta, biryani, noodles, paneer tikkas , tandoori chicken, heck maybe even the desert, but you know thats its there and that's probably saved the day for you. 

Target acquired, you attack with full ferocity as the mini-mountains of food on your plate and are gobbled down almost instantaneously with people wondering about the cause of the sudden and disproportionately large disappearance of food from your side of the table. (Remember the classic scene from "Satte pe Satta"?)

Sure, trying out all the different stuff at a buffet is great, but "selective gluttony" (a term I've just coined) is one phenomena to cherish (should you ever be in the situation), making it truly one of the "Top 100 moments" of life. Buuuuuurrrrrrrrrppppp!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

#96: Watching your favorite team win....LIVE!!

Love sports? Well you're surely gonna love this...

Now imagine, its game day, you're at home, in a sports bar or anywhere else watching the match on a giant screen with your best buddies. Your favorite team's winning, the drinks are flowing and the celebrations have just begun. Hey, is there anything that matches the adrenaline/testosterone powered rage as the ball strikes the back of the net or the uprooting of the middle stump?? Think that makes it to the list of "Top 100 moments", right?


You see, when i say LIVE!, I mean "In The Stadium" kind of live. Screaming at the top of your voice with thousands of cheering fans, celebrating with a few craziest friends, the camaraderie of Mexican waves with total strangers. Imagine a world with no commercial breaks and no useless statistics thrown in your face by bored commentators. This, my friend is where you need to be to really enjoy the raw passion in sports.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

#97: First workout after a long break

If you are as unfit as I am (and this can be quite a challenge), love junk food and have no workout regime whatsoever, you probably know what the 1st workout after a long time feels like.

After hours of coaxing you finally get your lazy bum off the couch, put on some running shoes and get out there with a vengence on last night's double cheese burst pizza. Alas! Within minutes every single aching muscle (some you never knew existed) curses the glutton in you. But it sure does feels good to get back on your feet after a long time and running (literally!).

Now, what makes this one of the truly "Top 100 Moments" is not the workout in itself. Yeah, sure that exercise is good for your heart and all, but remember that weird feeling of accomplishment while nursing your thoroughly sore body?

 Remember rising that extra inch in self esteem? (But dont you head out to McDonald's just yet to celebrate) Remember looking in the mirror, and seeing a more desirable version of yourself? Endorphins can be such a high. So yes, treasure that little pain buddies, wear it for a day as a proud medallion for the day's heroics (and hopefully come back for more tomorrow).

After all, all that matters is how you look at yourself, doesnt it?

P.S. Now that exams are finally over, I thinks its time to for me to experience this one again.

Monday, May 9, 2011

#98: Slamming the door shut after an argument

Lets face it, no matter how devoted  peace-loving Gandhians we may believe ourselves to be, we've all been in arguments at some point of time. I for one hate arguments, and not for the the fight itself, but the little dilemma afterwards. Win or lose, there's a little residual anger that lingers on. You know, the kind that makes you wish to break something (or someone), but common sense (usually and fortunately) prevails, prevents you from doing so....

You know those moments, where stomping off is just not enough, when a loud "Fine!!" just doesn't make it, when those fists just remain clenched and teeth gritting. Damn it, I feel pissed off just writing this.

Fear not fellow mortals, for enter the savior.....drumroll.... the humble door. Just grab that doorknob, pull with all your strength, and with the BANG!!, instant gratification. God bless those poor hinges for taking the punishment, the door lives on to fight another day and you know you got the last word and one of the "Top 100 Moments" ever.

On 2nd thoughts, THIS is surely a better way of slamming the door...check out these 2 boneheads:

P.S. For my most avid reader: Rajnikanth is the only person who can slam a screen door..:P

Friday, May 6, 2011

#99: 1st Call on Your Birthday

We all simply love our birthdays, don't we?? the one day where you're the person in the highest demand, the man of the hour. 200 facebook posts wishing you on your special day, 100s of text messages and infinite phone calls from distant family members you barely recall.

Although all that attention and all the parties and cakes feel really nice, what really makes it to the list of "Top 100 moments", is that one special friend sitting by the phone, waiting to be the first one to call you just as the clock strikes 12. What better way could there be, to start off a truly awesome day?

Also, come to think of it, isn't it better for just 1 person to be truly hppy to share your  remember the day, than 200 people who do just coz of some "notification"?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

#100 The Last Exam

Its the end of a long arduous semester and everyone just wants to finish off this last one with a big bang.

Pens move in an intense fury, the finish line approaches and the vacations (yes, the very same ones you were dreaming of the night before) appear on the horizon. Nothing describes the relief as that last answer sheet is snatched away and then comes....FREEDOM!!

Time to head home, stash away all those books and party like there's no tomorrow (or till your parents find out your results).

As for all engineering students, you know the mantra. "Koi nahin yaar, agle sem mein dekh lenge"