Monday, May 30, 2011

#95: The 1 pefect dish at an (otherwise) crappy buffet

If gluttony is your passion as is mine, you know what I'm talking about here. With a buffet dinner planned for the evening, you starve your way through the "4-pm-hunger" (and lunch too if you are me). The meal costs a bomb, but you willingly pay through your nose for a few moments of "I'm-gonna-hog-every-penny's-worth-of-food" indulgence.

But alas, the party-pooper. How often is it that the spread well and truly sucks? (Well it may not necessarily be bad, just that it's a rip-off if you could've had all that stuff at home too). Everywhere you look, just the plain old regular stuff, nothing new or as my sis puts it "exciting" enough to tantallise your taste buds.

As you turn your back and head back to your table disappointed, you spot it!! Yes, sitting surreptitiously at the far end of the table, that 1 dish, looking exquisitely delicious, the 1 dish it appears nobody can get enough of. Be it the pasta, biryani, noodles, paneer tikkas , tandoori chicken, heck maybe even the desert, but you know thats its there and that's probably saved the day for you. 

Target acquired, you attack with full ferocity as the mini-mountains of food on your plate and are gobbled down almost instantaneously with people wondering about the cause of the sudden and disproportionately large disappearance of food from your side of the table. (Remember the classic scene from "Satte pe Satta"?)

Sure, trying out all the different stuff at a buffet is great, but "selective gluttony" (a term I've just coined) is one phenomena to cherish (should you ever be in the situation), making it truly one of the "Top 100 moments" of life. Buuuuuurrrrrrrrrppppp!!!

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