Monday, May 9, 2011

#98: Slamming the door shut after an argument

Lets face it, no matter how devoted  peace-loving Gandhians we may believe ourselves to be, we've all been in arguments at some point of time. I for one hate arguments, and not for the the fight itself, but the little dilemma afterwards. Win or lose, there's a little residual anger that lingers on. You know, the kind that makes you wish to break something (or someone), but common sense (usually and fortunately) prevails, prevents you from doing so....

You know those moments, where stomping off is just not enough, when a loud "Fine!!" just doesn't make it, when those fists just remain clenched and teeth gritting. Damn it, I feel pissed off just writing this.

Fear not fellow mortals, for enter the savior.....drumroll.... the humble door. Just grab that doorknob, pull with all your strength, and with the BANG!!, instant gratification. God bless those poor hinges for taking the punishment, the door lives on to fight another day and you know you got the last word and one of the "Top 100 Moments" ever.

On 2nd thoughts, THIS is surely a better way of slamming the door...check out these 2 boneheads:

P.S. For my most avid reader: Rajnikanth is the only person who can slam a screen door..:P

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