Tuesday, March 6, 2012

#86: New Headphones, New Instruments

With an endless variety of headphones available in the market today, we audiophiles love upgrading to better headphones don't we? But what's the best part about getting new headphones?

For me, its that first moment when I plug them in to listen to my favorite song and the superior sound quality makes me realize..."Wow!! This song is so much better than I knew it!!" Those subtle nuances in the vocals of your favorite singer that you never noticed before, the instrument playing faintly in the background never heard before, discovering these is like falling in love all over again.


Of course you then repeat it with all your favorite songs and before the day is up, you end up humming and smiling like the infatuated hero in a Hindi movie. Little silly, but truly awesome!!

P.S.: Please do leave your comments and suggestions or requests for #85. Thanks for reading

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