Sunday, March 4, 2012

#87: The Unexpected Win

Have you ever entered a competition (quiz, debate, sports, art and craft, anything at all really), knowing all well in advance that your chances of winning fare no better than this guy here.


Doesn't it feel great to be the underdog for once? To be doing something out of your comfort zone just for the fun of it. When its not about winning but just having a good time. Believe me, in today's competitive times, this is a rare luxury, meant to be cherished. (Top 100 Moment? Not yet)

Here's the icing on the cake: Remember that moment when mid-way, with scores tied, you suddenly realize - "Wait a minute, if I continue whatever it is that I'm doing, I can actually beat this guy!!" (Top 100 Moment? nah, just a bit longer to go)

Well the cherry, on top of the icing on the cake is that if you carry on with nerves of steel, a whole lot of rubbish football or half-cooked quiz answers later, you may just find yourself yelling..."What?! I won?! Seriously??!! Woohoooo!! Yeaahh!!" Top 100 Moment? Hell Yes!!

P.S. I dont know if you've been in this place before, but if you have, admit it, you felt just this way didnt you??

If you like this post, pl comment in the "add a comment" section below and do leave suggestions and/or requests for #86. Thanks.


  1. Do I even need to say anything? You are talented my friend ;)
    And suggestion for #86? You already know mine ;)
