Thursday, June 23, 2011

#90: 1000th blog view

I know the first 10-12 people reading this will probably say "What a lie!! Those are not a 1000 hits you cheat!!" But hey, I have to admit, it was getting pretty exciting waiting for the number to turn up and then I thought of speeding things up a bit. Alebit, a bit unethically.

For the others, well all I have to say is that whether you write or have friends who do, this is surely a "Top 100 moment" in life. This is the one milestone (and hopefully 1st of many more 10K, 100K....) that really shows that people do appreciate your effort and actually took the effort of visiting (and hopefully actually reading) this blog.

Thank you dear readers for helping me get here and please be back here for more.

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