Just to be clear (for all those of you who post long depressing posts on Facebook and expect people to read and "like" them) I'm talking about the REAL physical pain here and not the emotional type (I really don't give a damn about your heartbreak, just keep it off my "wall" please). Anyways, I digress.

Pain reminds us of preventing further harm to ourselves. (For example, would you have gone to the doctor and got your troublesome knee checked, only to discover a sprain there, if not for the excruciating pain?) What a wonderful phenomenon of nature indeed!
So remember, the next time you feel those weird niggles anywhere in your body, you know its your body's call to you to take good care of it, coz unlike machines, you only get 1 of it for your entire life.
well-written...i liked the concluding note, especially :)